This area has more than 150 routes with a variety of grades (from 5a to 8a+ or higher). This area is for everyone, from the one who has never climbed before to others with a big background.
It has also 20 autobelays for climbing on your own, even if you don’t have any previous experience about sport climbing.
This area has more than 150 problems with a big range of grades (from IV to 8a). Everyone is more than welcome to our boulder area, it has up to 4,8m high and a big mat underneath to protect the climbers when they fall. The problems are changing every week so you will always find new problem to solve.
Our fitness area has treadmills, bikes, rowing machine, free weights and calisthenics for training yourself and give more power to your climbing abilities.

A conditioned space specially designed for yoga, but also works for TRX, pilates and stretches area for ending your training day.

It doesn’t exist a better way to finish a climbing session that cooling down at 9Bar+, enjoying a cold beer or having a pizza while seeing your friends strugle on the boulders.

It doesn’t matter your level of climbing, this inclined wall are made for tough climbers who wants to be better and stronger everyday. With our Kilter Board you can choose the level of climbing from the app.
With an almost infinity number of problems, the problem will be choose one that will appear on the wall as soon as you choose it.

It doesn’t exist a better way to improve than training in our campus board to reach all your potential. It has grimps, eggs, spheres and a pug board to reach your goals.

45º wall, filled up with a chaos of holds. Everything set up for creating a non stop secuence of training and helps your endurance. A fanatic wall!!

Our shop, where you can find climbing gear, climbing shoes, tape, Sharma T-Shirts and the best brands of the outdoor sport industry. Come to have a look and find what you are looking for!

Vestuarios amplios, de más de 150m2, con duchas, taquillas y todo lo necesario para poder ir a trabajar después de una sesión de escalada.

Sharma Climbing BCN·Gavà Gym
The most spectacular climbing wall to practice indoor climbing in Gavà (20min from Barcelona), has 5000m2 with all climbing modalities clearly differentiated by zones, bouldering, speed, sport climbing and children’s area, all equipped with the greatest variety of shapes and textures of dams on the market.
The climbing wall has 20 autobelays walls of up to 15m (which allows novice climbers to practice with minimal risk and without the need for advanced material handling knowledge), but also an area where the more experienced can come to practice rope climbing. and train to then be able to go out to climb the rock. It also has the part of Bulder, which consists of walls up to 4.5m high in which a mattress (about 30cm) cushions falls and a competition speed wall, same that were used in the world cups or in the Olympics.
If what you want is a first contact we have from initiation sessions (2h) training groups, through private monitors to help you in your first steps or specific courses in Boulder or sport climbing.
We also have a specific area for children, with a wall adapted to their needs, with smaller holds (grips) and less distance between them, which allows them to scale in their dimensions. In it, birthdays, camps, days without school are held … and an infinity of activities and adventures that hook all the participants.
The facility also has a fully equipped fitness room divided into 5 clearly differentiated parts: Cardio, bodybuilding area, functional training, calisthenics and stretching, as well as a 200 m2 multipurpose room for practicing Yoga or other directed activities that require a more reserved space.
In addition, the center has a bar / restaurant that can be freely accessed, it is not necessary to be training, you can come to eat or have a coffee, and enjoy the views it offers inside the climbing wall where athletes strive to every step they take.
The entire facility is acclimatized and has air conditioning and heating to avoid inclement weather, as well as abundant natural light, which eliminates the feeling of climbing inside a gym.
In summary, Sharma Climbing BCN·Gavà, is one of the leading climbing walls in Europe, located on Carrer Girona 25 in Gavà, with large free parking areas (no green or blue zone, if you decide to come by car) and 2min walking from Gavà train station (20min fran from Barcelona Sants station) if you prefer to come by public transport.